7 Safety Matters in Kids Amusement Park

Parents should always remember 7 safety matters when taking their kids to amusement park.
- Choose legitimate amusement park:
Don’t take kids to play with some old
amusement rides, and those without protection measures.
- Pay attention to the sign of “qualified safety inspection”:
Don’t let kids rides those
amusement rides without inspection or whose inspection doesn’t meet the standard or is not within the time limit.
- Have a close reading on the “notice to passengers”:
- Follow staff’s instructions:
If you have any questions, please response it to the staff; if you feel something wrong, please signal to the staff with gestures and expressions.
- Make a full safety preparation:
Have proper clothes, and take off pointed things; have the belt up, and keep kids within your range of vision.
- Don’t get panic when accidents happen:
When the machine have malfunctions during operation, don’t get off the cabin before the staff come to rescue you.
- Save related proofs to safeguard your rights.
Proofs, like video, photos, audio, tickets, should be saved for your safeguarding your rights if something bad happens.
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