Ground-grid Bumper Car: First Choice for Your Park!

bumper car

      Ground-grid bumper car is a new bumper car popular at home and abroad with strong shock power. Both electrodes of power supply are on the floor, so tourists can manually drive it to bump, dash, rush or scratch with other cars, which is full of thrill. It is noticeable that the bottom of ground-grid bumper car is connected with the floor, and connected with the electric device, and it is why the name is called ground-grid bumper car.
      This amusement ride has its own playing rules: drivers strive for being the fastest one who finishes a round ride at the field, or cuts across the field. The main entertainment is targeting other bumper cars, which can be bumped to sides. Ground-grid bumper car, just like battery bumper car, can automatically set up time, and this systematic set-up can be finished by remote control. One remote control can control dozens of bumper cars. When the playing time is over, the operator will shut down the power. The speed of bumper car is usually lower, but this kind of ride has a relative higher speed. And since the rubber tire is around the car, people or car will not get damaged by bumps.
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