Playground must have amusement park equipment Wacky Worm Rides

Wacky Worm Rides are Sinorides according to market requires the latest design and development of a track class play equipment, subject of this amusement park equipment is a big caterpillar shape, very festive.

The entire drive train consists of two front and rear drive, driving along the spiral track, while rising, one will fall. Not only entertaining and fun, but also an irritant.

Take the process of bringing new, happy feeling to tourists. Cute caterpillar shape and decoration with ethnic characteristics, increased tourist interest, is a popular children's favorite amusement. Wacky Worm Rides, belongs to a Chinese dragon with similar amusement park rides.

The product is made of high-quality fiberglass material, with environmental protection, corrosion resistance, good stability, handsome features, favored by children.

Wacky Worm Rides apply to playgrounds, squares, parks and other types of indoor and outdoor playgrounds;

Address: Middle of Shangyin Rd, Yulong Town, Xingyang, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, P.R.China 450100
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 86-0371-60253755
Fax: (+86-371) 61106888

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