Amusement Rides means for business purposes, the use of mechanical principles, led the movement of tourists, visitors bring happiness. Amusement equipment set informative, interesting, science, adventure in one, the majority of young people generally love children. Rich people's entertainment, exercise people's courage and beautify the urban environment.
Amusement rides can put a small playground rides, such as parks, plazas, shopping malls supermarket door, scenic, food festival, large communities, kindergartens, etc.
Amusement rides can also put a large amusement, such as water parks, carnivals, theme parks, animation and theme parks,etc..
Address: North of YuLong Junior Middle School, YuLong Town, Xingyang City, Henan Province, P.R.China 450100
Tel: (+86-371) 60253755
Fax: (+86-371) 61106888
Email: [email protected]
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